He wants to travel the world, do something amazing, something no one's ever seen before. Careful what you wish for, Stanley! One night, the bulletin board on the wall above Stanley's bed
comes loose and falls. Right on top of Stanley! And the next morning, Stanley Lambchop wakes up flat. Not just a little flat… Really, really flat. At first it’s not so bad. He can slide under
locked doors, roll up like a mat or become a trampoline. But he can't stay flat forever – someone has to do something. And that someone is Stanley! Stanley puts himself in a big envelope
and travels the world – a human letter! And the adventure begins as Stanley – the ultimate pen pal – scours the globe for a solution to his unusual problem in a whirlwind musical travelogue!
And whether he's rapping with the Declaration of Independence, thwarting robberies at the Louvre Museum in Paris, or learning about different cultures through song and dance, Stanley is
closing in on his goal of being a three-dimensional boy once more.
Broadway Across America-Boston invites families to join Flat Stanley on an educational journey that celebrates language, learning, and friendship as the musical theatrical performance of his life arrives at the Colonial Theatre in Boston for 6 shows on March 7-8-9. There is a 7 p.m. show Friday night, 11 a.m., 2 and 5 p.m. shows on Saturday and 11 a .m. and 2 p.m. shows on Sunday. Tickets are $15-$40 and can be purchased at the Colonial Theatre Box Office at 106 Bolyston Street, through http://www.broadwayacrossamerica.com/ and through Ticketmaster outlets.
GIRL SCOUTS: On Saturday March 8th at p.m. Broadway Across America-Boston is hosting Massachusetts' Girl Scouts for a special performance of The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley. This night includes the chance to earn a Flat Stanley Girl Scout Badge, a night of theater with Girl Scouts from around the area, and a post show discussion with the Flat Stanely actors! Visit http://www.flatstanleyboston.com/GirlScoutNight.html for more information. Girl Scouts will receive discounted tickets to the show -- $11.25 for balcony and $21.25 mezzanine seats.
Click here for the special badge requirements: http://www.flatstanleyboston.com/GirlScoutsRequirements.html