Thursday, January 28, 2010

Singalongs on Wednesdays and Fridays

Any Wednesday

Twinkle Star Sing-A-longs.
New location: 7 Upland Rd., Porter Square, Cambridge. Every Wednesday at 2:30 with Jeff Jam, and another one on Fridays at 10:30 with Alistair Moock.

Any Friday

Twinkle Star Sing-A-longs. New location: 7 Upland Rd., Porter Square, Cambridge. Every Friday at 10:30 a.m. with Alistair Moock.

Teen Community Service Fair

Boston Area Community Service Fair Offers

Volunteer Opportunities for Teens

What: More than 1000 people are expected to attend the Third Annual TeenLife Boston Community Service Fair, designed to connect teens in grades 7-12 with more than 40 non-profit organizations that actively engage teen volunteers.

When: Sunday, February 7, 2010 from 12 noon – 4 p.m.

Where: Mall at Chestnut Hill, 199 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Why: Most Greater Boston middle and high school students are required or encouraged to spend time outside of school volunteering for non-profits. The benefits of volunteerism include increased self-esteem, a feeling of being valued, the opportunity to meet new people, the acquisition of valuable new skills, and a lifetime of wonderful memories and experiences.


More than 40 non-profits organizations and 35 sponsors and supporting exhibitors that make the event possible. Exhibiting non-profits include The American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay, ArtsBoston, Big Brother Big Sister Foundation, Boston Cares, City Year, Cradles to Crayons,, The Food Project, Museum of Science, Roots & Shoots, Tenacity, and others.

Entertainment will be provided throughout the afternoon by area high school a cappella groups, including performers from Norwood High School, BC High School, Nobles and Greenough, Roxbury Latin School, Belmont Hill School, Boston Latin School, Wayland High School, Brookline High School


Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, visit


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nancy Kerrigan featured in Feb. issue of Bay State Parent

The Holden Landmark Corporation, Inc.
117 Elm Street
Millbury, MA 01527508.865.7070

INQUIRIES: Contact Gareth Charter, Publisher - Bay State Parent, or 508-749-3166 x153

Nancy Kerrigan featured in Feb. issue of Bay State Parent

January 26, 2010: In the spirit of the upcoming Winter Olympic games, Bay State Parent magazine chose professional figure skater, Nancy Kerrigan, two-time Olympic medalist and Massachusetts mom of three, to profile on our February cover and in our monthly “Moms Rock” feature.

We selected Nancy as our February mom in December 2009, contacting her first on January 6, 2010. We were in touch with Nancy, and her husband, Jerry Solomon, throughout the month, interviewing and photographing the Solomon-Kerrigan family on Thursday, January, 21. Our February issue was delivered to our printing press on Friday, January 22.
Bay State Parent sends our deep condolences to Nancy Kerrigan and her entire family on the tragic death of her father on Sunday, January 24. We feel honored to have gotten to know Nancy and her family a little bit more this month. The resulting photos and story shed light on Nancy’s warmth and love of family, deepening our understanding of her tremendous loss.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tea for Two

baystateparent account executive, Staci LaTurno, makes tea sound so perfectly lovely, especially when she describes going to high tea in Boston (Her favorite is the Taj).
Staci started going to tea houses with her mother when she was a teenager. While she didn’t like the taste of tea at first, she loved getting dressed up (the mother-daughter rule was "always wear pearls") and spending one-on-one time with her mother.
Lots of honey sweetened Staci’s love of tea through the years, and now she enjoys a cup with her mom, girlfriends, and now her fiancé, Geoff.
“For Valentine’s Day, he knows how much I like tea, so he surprised me at home with homemade finger sandwiches and a picnic on the floor with tea. He even cut off the crust of the cucumber sandwiches!” Staci said.
Perfectly lovely. We told you!
baystateparent is looking forward to our February issue (we are going to press today) where we talk about tea as a family tradition and a way for women to come together.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Meet a New Moon Werewolf on Sun., Jan. 31

Chaske Spencer called in to the baystateparent office today.
It was "interesting" talking to a werewolf.

Chaske tell us that he's making his way to the Worcester Sharks game on Sunday, January 31st. If you want to get up-close to Twilight fever, get in line and meet him for yourself! We didn't ask him if he would be wearing a shirt, but we should have!

Chaske tells us that a couple of years ago, he visited Boston to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He stayed for four days hanging out downtown and seeing the sights.
He likes our state and is looking forward to meeting Twilight fans.

When he saw himself as a werewolf on screen, he thought they made him look really cool because he says, "I am not cool."

And he tells us the third movie, Eclipse, has already wrapped, so for all of us re-reading the books and re-viewing the movie, more is to come!

We also asked Chaske:

What is the most common question your fans ask you?
They want to know about Rob and Taylor.

Were you chosen for the role because of your resemblance to a werewolf?
I don't know....I guess it's a look.

Since you have your shirt off for the entire movie, did you audition for the role in great shape, or did you have to train?
I was in shape …I always went to the gym, but we did go to training and put weight on.

Tell us about your unusual name
My name is Chaske…it’s just my name…

Any interesting stories about your name?'s just my name.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mon., Jan 18: Share the Best and Worst Advice your've Ever Received

Mon., Jan. 18, 7 to 9 p.m. Area moms share best and worst advice they’ve received. Sponsored by Mothers & More (Central 495 Area Chapter) at 2 West Elm St., Hopkinton (meeting room at Community Covenant Church). Free. For more info, email

Winner of Girl Authority Concert Tickets

Girl Authority is coming to West Boylston on Saturday, Jan. 9th at 3:30 p .m.
Jackie Seemungal of Marlborough won a family four-pack valued at $48.

To attend the show, tickets are $12 a piece. Visit for more information.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Night at the Museum DVDs

Winners of December's Night at the Museum DVD giveaway are:

Hunter Felton of Westboro
Andrew Lynch of Franklin
Katelyn of Whitinsville
Joshua Arons of Newton


Winner of Preserve Products!

Congratulations to Dina Gagne of Leominster who won containers, bowls, etc. from Massachusetts based Preserve Products (valued at $45).

We are giving away another one of these stylish gift packs in January, just visit "Enter our Contests" on the home page of our Web site.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do you know of a restaurant that offers deals for kids' meals? Go-To Guide for Family Dining

Do you know of a restaurant that offers tots a complimentary meal or special dining offer? Please let us know!
baystateparent is creating a "Stretch your Dining Dollar" advertising feature!
We'll showcase restaurants that offer entertainment for families and deals for kids (because don't we all hate paying a fortune for a grilled cheese and fries that the kids take two bites out of...that hurts....or that mac n cheese that the kids won't touch because it doesn't taste like home?)

So, let's help each other and spread the word about restaurants that offer value on kids' meals in the new year!

Please email Stephanie Pearl at