Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How much does a baby in Massachusetts really cost?

Freelancer, Donna Roberson, is working on an article for baystateparent on the cost of having a child in the first year for our March baby issue.

We are so interested in what you have to say about the costs of baby from everything to feeding, diapers, and daycare to clothing, furniture, and the extras.

- How expensive was it? Was it more than you really planned for?
- What came up that you didn't expect?
- What was your greatest expense?
- Did you have a baby shower or previous children that helped cut down on expenses?
- Did you buy a lot of things for the first child that you didn't really need?
- Anything else in your mind that stands out from that first year.

If you respond, the article may include a quote from you with your name, number of children (and their gender and ages) and the town you live in (so please let us know!)

Thank you!

Donna Roberson, freelancer, and Carrie Wattu, editor

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