Friday, January 26, 2007

Missing Mittens & Hats

I was astonished by what I saw this morning driving Bella to school.
Street after street and community after community, there were many children (I lost count after 18) waiting for the bus without hats and mittens.
It was 3 degrees this morning - not factoring in the 20 mph winds.
But it shouldn't have surprised me to see children not dressed for this extreme cold.
All month long, I have been commenting to everyone about how many children I see with their coats wide open, no hats, no scarf, and no mittens.
I can't imagine parents let their children out of the house on a day like today, without hats & mittens.
I realize it is important to teach your children to dress themselves and take responsibility for themselves, but it is also important for parents to make sure when their child is not properly dressed for the weather, to help them or to argue with them to "button up" and "put that hat on," or they can't go out and wait for the bus.
-- Susan

1 comment:

Anne said...

I too was surprised by how few children these days wear hats and gloves.
This afternoon, while waiting in the car line to pick up my son, I counted how many kids came out of school with a hat and gloves. My son has more fingers than the number of kids I saw protected by the cold.
Maybe everyone was lulled into a false sense of security about winter because we had so many great spring-like days in December, but it is cold out there now, and my son is at least wearing his hat & gloves.