Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009 in Harvard

Plan ahead! There's a festival in Harvard over Columbus Day weekend. Carrie

Harvard Flea Market

featuring 170 Booths of antiques, collectibles, household items

HARVARD, Mass., September 22, 2009 – The League of Women Voters of Harvard and the Harvard Schools Trust are pleased to announce the upcoming 38th Annual Columbus Day Weekend Flea Market to be held on Saturday, October 10, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the grounds of The Bromfield School in Harvard. (Rain date October 12, 2009)

Each year, thousands of bargain hunters attend this landmark event to select from a huge variety of goods including antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, furniture, glass, household items, sports equipment, toys, clothing, farmers market items and more. In addition, many nonprofits will be selling delicious fall harvest food items, including pies on the common for the 52nd year at the Congregational Church Apple Festival. Parking and restrooms will be available. Admission is a $3 donation per person; a $1 donation per child ages 6 – 12 and seniors ages 65 plus; and a $5 donation for early birds (before 9:00 a.m.).

This is the second consecutive year that the Harvard Schools Trust is co-sponsoring the flea market with Harvard’s League of Women Voters. Formerly, the Harvard Conservation Trust co-sponsored the event. All net proceeds from the 38th Annual Columbus Day Weekend Flea Market will be evenly split between the league and the Schools Trust, both local nonprofit organizations.

“The Harvard Schools Trust is thrilled to be co-sponsoring the flea market again this year with the League of Women Voters of Harvard,” said Steve Finnegan, Board of Directors, Harvard Schools Trust. “The Harvard Flea Market is a wonderful family and community fall harvest event, and we encourage everyone to come out and peruse the treasures in support of our schools.”

“The tremendous success of the Harvard Flea Market is due in great part to the help we receive each year from over 100 dedicated volunteers,” said Valerie Hurley, League of Women Voters. “We extend a wholehearted thanks to all our volunteers for their time and efforts which help support a great cause.”

Directions to Harvard Flea Market: The Bromfield School, 14 Massachusetts Ave. (Route 111), Harvard, MA 01541 (Take Exit 38A off Route 2 or Exit 28 off I495)

About The Harvard Schools Trust

The Harvard Schools Trust was formed in 1989 as a nonprofit, exclusively educational and charitable organization to raise funds to supplement the curriculum and activities of the Harvard Public Schools ( Through its grants program, the Trust provides Harvard Elementary School and the Bromfield School with supplemental curriculum support, equipment, extra-curricular experiences, and staff development. For more information email: or visit the website at

About The League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of Harvard (, established in 1950, is a local branch of the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts and the League of Women Voters of the United States. It is a non-partisan, multi-issue, grassroots organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in local, state, and federal government and to influence public policy through education. For Flea Market info email: or visit the website at

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