Thursday, May 20, 2010

Celebrate the Last Day of School!

The last day of school is approaching. We asked our readers how they celebrate the occasion and have compiled a list of ideas below.

I always felt that the day was bittersweet, such a relief to be free from the schedule and to pursue other interests but also kind of sad that things were changing.

Please feel free to comment if you have an idea to share or a memory from your childhood.
Thanks, Carrie Wattu, editor

go out for ice cream is the top choice!
take photos with their teacher
give the teacher a thank you card, flowers, a gift...
have a sleep-over
go out for lunch
park the car and walk or ride to school (take the dog too!)
go out for breakfast
have a movie night with no pressure to get to bed early!
make a list of things you'd like to do over the summer
pick out a prize for a great report card
buy some scrapbooking supplies or organizers to commemorate the year's work
leisurely choose books from the library or buy summer reading at the book store
paint your toenails
take a moment to reflect on the past year and discuss what your child feels the next year will be like...and how you can read of it
plan a vacation!
just invite friends over and hang out with no agenda whatsoever
visit with a grandparent or relative, someone you've been missing due to the busy
school-year schedule
hop in the car and just go somewhere FUN!

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