Monday, May 10, 2010

Earth Bash at Southwick's Zoo: Mendon!

Cocktails at the zoo...who knew?! Do something different on a summer Friday night. You can go to a restaurant anytime...go to the zoo!

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Benefit Earth Bash
Southwick's Zoo and Earth Limited located at Southwick's Zoo
7 - 11pm
The Zoo is your playground for the evening, with live music, great food, beer, wine and cocktail cash bar, silent and live auction items, including a 6 day 6 night African Safari.

$35 per peron, $50 for two (Couple)

800-258-9182, ext 209

The bash benefits Earth Limited, a grassroots, non-profit educational organization located at the zoo. The organization provides environmental and conservation education with an emphasis on animal ecology endangered species and threatened habitats. Earth Limited staff also travel throughout the area, accompanied by live animals in the ZooMobile to teach people about the importance of animal ecology and wild life conservation.
The bash helps to support many ecological efforts including Whale Shark research, The Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center in Costa Rica, Sloth Rehabilitation Center, Great Green Macaw Project, Interns at the Earth Discovery Center, eco-travel and more. Plans are underway for a new learning center and after-school program.

To purchase tickets, visit or call 1-800-259-9182 ext 209

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