Tuesday, May 26, 2009

June 7th: Free Pre-Kindergarten Program in MetroWest


The MetroWest Jewish Day School Maccabees Club will meet on Sunday, June 7 at 9:30 a.m. All children entering any kindergarten class in fall 2009 are invited to attend the “Welcome to Kindergarten” gathering at the MetroWest Jewish Day School. The group will be led by MWJDS kindergarten teacher, Lauren Ayzenberg, who will integrate fun and creative use of art, music, Hebrew, math, and science. This program has no charge, but reservations are requested. RSVP to Sara Sinai, Director of Admissions, 508-620-5554 or sara.sinai@mwjds.org . MetroWest Jewish Day School, located at 29 Upper Joclyn Avenue in Framingham , is a pluralistic day school serving over 20 Metrowest towns and is accepting applications from students in grades Jr. K – 6. More information is available at www.mwjds.org .

Victoria Felson

MetroWest Jewish Day School

29 Upper Joclyn Avenue

Framingham , MA 01701


f- 508-620.0945


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