Tuesday, April 24, 2007

May Issue, Featuring Mother's Day - Family Dining Guide - Adoption Guide, Is Off to the Printers

We shipped the May issue to the printers this afternoon.
Inside the issue is our inaugural Family Dining Guide. More than 75 restaurants are included in the kid-friendly dining guide chart. Freelance writer Leslie Castillo called local and chain restaurants and compiled 6-pages worth of information for families -- which restaurant has a kid's only menu, which offers free or discounted meal nights, which provide entertainment for children, which give free drinks or desserts, which have birthday or kids clubs?
Consider the chart a work in progress. I'm sure there is a restaurant that is a favorite of your family that may not be on it. Feel free to e-mail me at editor@baystateparent.com with additions or tell me about eating establishments that you didn't think were family-friendly.
Also inside our first Family Dining Guide, freelance writer Marguerite Paolino explores why families are trying to revive the tradition of eating dinner together and a second report on how to teach your toddler through teenager basic table manners.
Finally, our May issue would not be complete without a few Mother's Day articles.
Being a mom comes with a lot of titles. One title that always gets a reaction - be it positive or negative - is Soccer Mom. Freelance writer Michelle Xiarhos Curran, in her first article for Bay State Parent magazine, talked to moms who are proud of the title, and reported on the debate surrounding Soccer Moms and the stereotypes attached to the title.
Also inside the issue is a report on the trend of helicopter parenting and an interview with I Love You Like Crazy Cakes author Rose A Lewis. Lewis, a Needham resident, in a Q&A with me talks about adopting her daughter from China, motherhood, and her latest book Every Year on Your Birthday.
The issue should be at your favorite location in Eastern & Central Massachusetts next week.

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